воскресенье, 17 мая 2020 г.

18.05.20 7 класс

Самостоятельная работа (итоговая)

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 Obviously the best way to get to school depends on how far you live from school. Many students would prefer to walk to school, but they live too far away. The biggest problem in Bristol is the traffic, so if you go to school by bus, it’s slower and more boring. For many students the quickest way to get to school is by bicycle. So if you go the school by bicycle, it’s quicker and you enjoy the journey more. But many cyclists are worried about the dangers of cycling in heavy traffic. And of course, riding a bicycle is not very enjoyable when it rains and when it’s cold!

1. Does the best way to get to school depend on how far you live from school?
2. What is the biggest problem in Bristol?
3. When is riding a bicycle not very enjoyable?

!!!! Время на чтение, чтение вопросов и ответы на них - 2 минуты!!!

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